
How do chapters serve our mission?

The Connected Foundation forms chapters at high schools, universities, and community centers to connect youth and older adults around the country. Each chapter implements the mission of The Connected Foundation through programming with partners such as: senior centers, assisted living communities, villages, residential communities, and nursing homes. Read our chapter toolkit to learn how chapters serve our organization’s mission and what is required to form a chapter in your community!



Start a Chapter

Email with questions or concerns.


Are you interested in starting a chapter of The Connected Foundation after reading the chapter toolkit? We are excited to join you in this journey of forming intergenerational connections in your community! Please fill out the form below, and a member of our National Outreach Team will be in touch shortly to help you get started.


Each of our chapters works to foster intergenerational community building across the United States. You can start or join a chapter by emailing the National Team at!